Maybe no Bowl after all.
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Stole this link that Schark posted in the chat. Sounds like at least some of the players want a totally fresh start to things. Beamer has his work cut out for him.Did the players say they did not want to play because of Covid? If so, can't really say I blame them.
That's been my feeling about the bowl. I would watch it nonetheless, but I'd also be expecting a complete and embarrassing meltdown.I would love to see another game but would hate to see a badly depleted team lose to UAB.
Well put.The, best t thing just took place today , Tanner has his eye on the money not what was best for the team the SEC is all about money this will not look good for Tanner, the players stood up to him, good for them the well beings of the players is what this should have been a about not getting extra practices, we have an depleted team right now.
Let Beamer take over from here RAY, SEE YA IN THE SPRING. Merry Christmas
Josh Gates on Discovery channel had one of his shows about Gasb.UPDATE: I researched it and Gasparilla was a pirate named Jose Gaspar that made his living attacking merchant ships in Tampa Bay. He finally met his match when he and his crew attacked a US Navy vessel in disguise. Anyway, the city of Tampa decided to create a festival to "commemorate" Gasparilla. They have parades, concerts and even a mock pirate attack every year in late January. So there you have it!
I would put a lot more trust in things Uva says than Whittle.Seems John Whittle is really going after Mike Uva on Twitter lol
UVA is normally pretty spot on. Whittle keeps taking jabs at him. Just congratulated Hal McGranahan for breaking the story about no bowl, right after posting what Tanner said. Very funny to watch he seems like he is whiningI would put a lot more trust in things Uva says than Whittle.