It all depends on whether or not FSU beats Florida. Georgia will obviously lose to Bama in Atlanta and people will realize they really only have one good win, and theyll get placed behind us. If Florida wins against FSU, theyll get the Sugar Bowl. If they lose, Carolina will jump them in the BCS. There is a possibility that a win over Clemson will put us ahead of LSU and we go to the Sugar Bowl. If they choose LSU, we'll get either the capital one or outback bowl. South Carolina has gotten a ton of credit for their schedule, so if we win out and Florida loses to FSU (which i expect), I see it playing out like this:
BCS Championship - Bama
Sugar Bowl - LSU or Carolina
Capital One Bowl - Carolina or Florida
Cotton Bowl - Florida or LSU
Outback Bowl - Georgia
Chick-fil-a Bowl - Texas A&M
If Florida does beat FSU, I expect this:
BCS Championship - Bama
Sugar Bowl - Florida
Capital One Bowl - LSU
Cotton Bowl - Texas A&M
Outback Bowl - South Carolina
Chick-fil-a Bowl - Georgia
BCS Championship - Bama
Sugar Bowl - LSU or Carolina
Capital One Bowl - Carolina or Florida
Cotton Bowl - Florida or LSU
Outback Bowl - Georgia
Chick-fil-a Bowl - Texas A&M
If Florida does beat FSU, I expect this:
BCS Championship - Bama
Sugar Bowl - Florida
Capital One Bowl - LSU
Cotton Bowl - Texas A&M
Outback Bowl - South Carolina
Chick-fil-a Bowl - Georgia