For those with access:
The upshot of the story is that Jordan Diggs, son of former Gamecock Shed Diggs, absolutely loves being a Gamecock. He's tweeted that and tells anyone who asks. Has been talking about being a Gamecock since he was 5.
This kid is from Fla. didn't get offers from the in-state schools, and Jamie Newburg says they may live to regret it.
Four-star safety coming out of high school, 6' 197 lbs, likely to be backup spur.
Great quote:
“I grew up watching Carolina,” he told GoGamecocks recently. “Just about every time I watched a college football game, Carolina was playing somebody. Garnet and black is in my blood. I’m a Gamecock down to my feet. It’s in my soul.”
The upshot of the story is that Jordan Diggs, son of former Gamecock Shed Diggs, absolutely loves being a Gamecock. He's tweeted that and tells anyone who asks. Has been talking about being a Gamecock since he was 5.
This kid is from Fla. didn't get offers from the in-state schools, and Jamie Newburg says they may live to regret it.
Four-star safety coming out of high school, 6' 197 lbs, likely to be backup spur.
Great quote:
“I grew up watching Carolina,” he told GoGamecocks recently. “Just about every time I watched a college football game, Carolina was playing somebody. Garnet and black is in my blood. I’m a Gamecock down to my feet. It’s in my soul.”