Junior LB Dillon Bates (6-3 218) of Ponte Vedra, FL has offers from USC, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Georgia Tech, Virginia, Florida International, Florida Atlantic, Maryland, UMass and Colgate among others. Clemson is also showing a lot of interest. "Hopefully that offer will come soon, "Bates said. Bates has already visited the two South Carolina schools and is reciprocating the interest. "I went to South Carolina earlier this summer and I really liked the campus and the coaches, " he said. "It felt like a nice place to be and somewhere I could spend the next four or five years of my life. Clemson is really similar. It's definitely a college campus and the center of everything up there. There isn't anything else other than the school so the fans really appreciate you." This season, Bates wants to attend games at USC, Tennessee and Oklahoma. "I may go to Clemson too," he added. He plans to narrow his list sometime this fall and said, "South Carolina would be a top choice for me." In his sophomore season he totaled 105 tackles with three sacks. Bates does not have any favorites.
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