It will be interesting to see what the Gamecock offensive identity will be this coming season. Bmac has said he kept a lot of Ropers scheme last year for continuity, rather than start over with an all new system and terminology. He said he was only able to implement his new part of the system of only about 50%. That means they do not know what type scheme will be seen this year with the new half of his scheme to be implemented. I hope Feaster can learn quickly and get implemented into the system.
The one thing that I think will be interesting is to see how the Gamecocks will use a package for Joyner and in the future will we see dual threat qb's recruited like Doty or pro style throwers like Hillinski. Will the Gamecocks stay with the rpo's or go to a read system to take advantage of a dual threat qb or both. I imagine they will stay with the current style for a while which suits RH.
The one thing that I think will be interesting is to see how the Gamecocks will use a package for Joyner and in the future will we see dual threat qb's recruited like Doty or pro style throwers like Hillinski. Will the Gamecocks stay with the rpo's or go to a read system to take advantage of a dual threat qb or both. I imagine they will stay with the current style for a while which suits RH.