I think everyone is back on campus except Lawson. Not sure when he will be back. I expect him to be back. I'm very excited about this coming season. I think this team has a lot of positives. Only 2 freshmen on this team. One senior. Most of the guys are juniors and sophs. And some of them are redshirts. This will be a more experienced team than last year's team. That means more experienced guys and more developed guys. That should help us a lot. I'd like to have more than one senior, but we don't have that. If they can stay healthy, I think this will be our best team since the final four team. And it could be better than that team. I'm not predicting another final 4, just that this team could be better than that team. I'm hoping and praying they get to play the season. Can't wait to see how much every player has improved and grown!