I think the NCAA is doing a big disservice to college football players by essentially not allowing those players who did not get drafted to return to school and finish out their eligibility if they so choose. its hard enough to embark on a pro football career as it is I think it would be in the best interest of both the NFL and the NCAA if undrafted players were allowed to return to school. The NCAA could cover it by making a rule that every school has say a max of 5-7 additional scholarships set aside for those players who go undrafted and wish to return to school. It would not be reflected in the scholarship numbers but it would give players another chance to improve their draft stock or exhaust their eligibility. Either way its a win/win for everyone because the NFL would benefit from some players getting another year in college and those who would still not be drafted would have a chance to get a degree which in the long run should be one of the primary focuses of the NCAA anyhow.
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