Grand Poohbah
Apparently yesterday, the Department of Education made a ruling on the revenue sharing proposal that was agreed upon this past summer.
My guess is that the new administration may have a different opinion on this matter, but in any case, I see further lawsuits ahead.
https://www.cbssports.com/college-f...-ix-memo-could-mean-for-revenue-share-future/ The Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, which oversees Title IX enforcement, said in its guidance that revenue share payments would be considered "athletic financial assistance" and thus should be divided "proportionally" between male and female athletes. This is significant because many athletic departments were not planning on divvying up that $20.5 million revenue share sum proportionally but instead giving the lion's share to the revenue-generating sports football and men's basketball.
My guess is that the new administration may have a different opinion on this matter, but in any case, I see further lawsuits ahead.