Everybody hates something, whether they want to admit it or not, and it’s different for everybody…......What do you hate?
Well….I hate a few things (not so much) and a very few things a lot. Here’s one:
Just last weekend and the week before (before the LSwho game), all the mindless pundits were fawning over the Gamecocks. We were the darlings of major college football. This week, it’s different….we lost…they won. You’re only as good as your last great deed.
Here’s my point: We are the forgotten warriors. The gaters are the new sweet thing of the media….and if we lose yet another (the forbidden two in a row syndrome), we fall into the oblivion of the good team (assuming we win out all the rest) that underachieved…
in short…we go to a major bowl and yadda yadda yadda…..
But to win............
all of a sudden, we are back on top. We have conquered our road demons and beaten two of three top ten teams and are forgiven our imperfections. After all, we are a team that traversed the boundaries of HELL.
I know this team is capable, even with flu ravaging our stamina…a bruised and slightly battered Lattimore….a quarterback questioning himself, but determined to right the ship and a defense out to prove itself after a lackluster performance.
If we persevere psychologically, Gainesville is RIPE for an upset of major proportions. Even though nestled in the confines of the swamp, the gaters can be licked if we cause them to question themselves by playing to our potential from the opening minutes. If we can gain the upper hand and some momentum, the resultant confidence and psychological boost can carry us to victory.
The East is then ours to pluck.
Well….I hate a few things (not so much) and a very few things a lot. Here’s one:
Just last weekend and the week before (before the LSwho game), all the mindless pundits were fawning over the Gamecocks. We were the darlings of major college football. This week, it’s different….we lost…they won. You’re only as good as your last great deed.
Here’s my point: We are the forgotten warriors. The gaters are the new sweet thing of the media….and if we lose yet another (the forbidden two in a row syndrome), we fall into the oblivion of the good team (assuming we win out all the rest) that underachieved…
in short…we go to a major bowl and yadda yadda yadda…..
But to win............
all of a sudden, we are back on top. We have conquered our road demons and beaten two of three top ten teams and are forgiven our imperfections. After all, we are a team that traversed the boundaries of HELL.
I know this team is capable, even with flu ravaging our stamina…a bruised and slightly battered Lattimore….a quarterback questioning himself, but determined to right the ship and a defense out to prove itself after a lackluster performance.
If we persevere psychologically, Gainesville is RIPE for an upset of major proportions. Even though nestled in the confines of the swamp, the gaters can be licked if we cause them to question themselves by playing to our potential from the opening minutes. If we can gain the upper hand and some momentum, the resultant confidence and psychological boost can carry us to victory.
The East is then ours to pluck.