Should we highlight pissing in a trough, rubbing up against sweaty drunks, the seats that are made for Japanese midgets, the high cost of concessions, the high cost of tickets and parking, or the incredible amount of time that it takes to go to a game? I'm being facetious, of course, but all of these factors come into play. I have had some wonderful times at WB, and a lot of fun, but it comes at a price. I had season tickets for years, but it was so costly, that I preferred to buy tickets for a couple of games a year. I got spoiled once by getting to watch a game in the President's Club, and that really ruined it for me. After that, sitting in tight seating, as people cross in front of you and step on your toes, just won't work anymore. I understand it's a money making operation, but the annoyance and inconvenience of it, just got to the point where it wasn't worth it for me anymore. I like to be able to sit comfortably with snacks in my fridge, a clean bathroom steps away, and the ability to pause the action when I want. Sitting at home does not compare to an electric Williams-Brice, when things are good, but I'm too old, crotchety, and set in my ways to spend that much time and money on being disappointed.