People who can't figure out how a 4-way stop works. I have it happen several times a week, and it happened earlier today. I will approach a 4-way stop, and before I get there, I check to see what the order of cars are. Today, as I approached the 4-way, there was a gray Civic at 3 o'clock, and a white Tacoma at 9 o'clock, and both were already at a complete stop. As I rolled to a complete stop, the Civic went straight, and I came to a complete stop about the time the Civic was in the middle of the intersection. Since the Tacoma had not yet moved, I assumed he must be turning left, and had not gone yet, because the civic was still in the intersection. After the Civic was gone, I looked to my left at the Tacoma, and got the wave to go ahead. I know he was trying to be nice, but it pisses me off, because had he followed the rules, he could have gone when the Civic was going, because they both went straight. After the delay, I went, and in my mirror I see him go straight. If he had followed the rules, we would have gotten through more quickly, but by "being nice" he delayed both of us.