The 2nd time you said he has a losing record here, 153-133 and we had 4 SEC wins this year, maybe you should not try and convince anyone of anything because you are clueless!
I did that hoping someone would bring up Dave Odom, so the other coach that had a record of proven post season success that we ran off, HOW DID THAT WORK OUT, HOW MUCH GREENER WAS THAT HORN GRASS

? I would have loved to see Odom lead the talent rich team of Archie, Downey, Muldrow, Frederick and Raley-Ross.... I also think the committee would have put us in the tourney had we not run Odom off instead Horn took us to the NIT despite winning 20 games and being tied for the second best record in the SEC but hey don't waste your time trying to understand, just whine and tell us how we should do better, can do better if we just fire our coach.
Once again who you going to hire that can recruit better talent, is more respected and has proven they can win with talent? Don't waste your time because you can't!