There will be more than 20K Clemson fans at the game - they get a higher percentage of tix than most visiting teams, same thing for us when we play up there.
Muschamp will be around for another year. The App State game was demoralizing, but they were only two point dogs. We sucked versus UNC, Mizzou, and UT, but beat UGA and ended a losing streak against UK, and play the toughest schedule in the nation. And the way the season has gone, we will beat TAMU and Clemson, LOL - this seems to be an "opposites" year.
What will happen is something similar to what supposedly happened with Dabo. Boom will get an ultimatum to make changes on Offense. His contract will get re-structured - lowered buy-out (it drops some anyway if he comes back) but more in incentives. Boom will agree to the re-structuring because he wants another year - this is his last shot at being a major college head coach and he has to succeed. And Ray needs to tell him to get his mojo back - he looks like a whipped puppy on the sidelines, which does not give confidence to his players. Show some life and fire.
Ray is not in any danger. Outside of football, the athletic program is in good shape - I watched the two basketball teams kick ass yesterday, along with winning the SEC Women's Soccer title.