Agent 86
The late actor Don Adams, who died in September of 2005, was originally born Donald James Yarmy. He took the last name of his first wife in order to go to the head of audition lines that were usually done in alphabetical order.
Born Donald James Yarmy on April 13, 1923 (correct, despite frequently reported erroneous dates) in New York City to Irish-Hungarian parents, Adams prepared for a career as a commercial artist. He joined the U.S. Marines in the early days of World War II.
He saw combat in the invasion of Guadalcanal and after being wounded was the only survivor of his platoon. He contracted Blackwater Fever (which had a 90% mortality rate) after being shot and nearly died, remaining hospitalized in Wellington, New Zealand for more than a year. After his recovery he served as a drill instructor. HQMC Unit Diaries indicate he was a Prison Guard/GCM Prisoner Guard at US Disciplinary Barracks, Hart's Island, NY. - Shadow Box Profile of Cpl Donald James Yarmy
There is a bit of conflicting information about his service, since he never spoke about any of it like many combat vets. He did actually receive the Purple Heart and was a member of India Company, 3rd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment. The 8th Marines were sent in to reinforce and relieve the 1st Marine Division halfway through the bloody 6-month Guadalcanal campaign and played a crucial role in the final push to drive the Japanese Army off the island for good in early 1943. Adams was one of the nearly 2800 Marines wounded on Guadalcanal. Although a lot of online information states he was only briefly in the battle, 2-3 months on Guadalcanal was a lifetime.
The 8th Marines left Guadalcanal late January of 1943 to regroup in New Zealand in preparation for the bloody Tarawa campaign while Adams was recovering in a Navy hospital there during the same time. From what I've seen online, Blackwater Fever causes the red blood cells to explode and release extra hemoglobin into the bloodstream, so that's pretty nasty stuff. Ironically contracting it may have spared Adams possible death on Tarawa if you stop to think about it.
It is said that Adams time as a drill instructor contributed to his distinctive choppy delivery on
Get Smart years later.
The 8th Marines were stood down for the third time in their vaunted history last year due to DoD restructuring.