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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

When and to who? I have never heard and remember the opposite, if I Google it I find one quote from Zelensky concerning a Rusdian General... Putin in the Carlson interview stated the total opposite, he has also publicly stated numerous times he will not attack/invade NATO countries
He has publicly stated??? You mean like when Hitler publicly stated that he had no other territorial ambitions after taking the Rhineland, after taking Danzig, after taking Sudetenland, after taking Czechoslovakia and after taking Austria?
I think the Israel and Ukraine conflicts are feeding off of each other right now.

Israel is worried that Hamas and Iran will do to them what Russia is doing to Ukraine if they don't take a hard line.

Some would say Ukraine might be sandbagging to get more weapons from us, but you also have to think that if we gave them the stuff they wanted, the UAF would wreck parts of western Russia, maybe even Moscow, the same way Israel is wrecking Gaza right now.

It's a difficult situation any way that you look at it.
He has publicly stated??? You mean like when Hitler publicly stated that he had no other territorial ambitions after taking the Rhineland, after taking Danzig, after taking Sudetenland, after taking Czechoslovakia and after taking Austria?
Weird, didn't Htler get into power promoting anti communisn like...

You stated he said those things, I simply asked when and told you what I remember as well as what I found when I researched it a little... So now he is Hitler, imagine Hitler with a thermo nuclear bomb... It's not like they were fighting in that region long before Putin was born or anything, I'm sure it's his Hitler complex like you say 🙄 and he is planning on going after Poland and name another European country next because he has shown this type of behavior in the past...
Weird, didn't Htler get into power promoting anti communisn like...

You stated he said those things, I simply asked when and told you what I remember as well as what I found when I researched it a little... So now he is Hitler, imagine Hitler with a thermo nuclear bomb... It's not like they were fighting in that region long before Putin was born or anything, I'm sure it's his Hitler complex like you say 🙄 and he is planning on going after Poland and name another European country next because he has shown this type of behavior in the past...
Yes, he's like Hitler in many ways. History has shown us numerous times that dictator led countries that attack/invade other countries rarely stop on their own accord.
Yes, he's like Hitler in many ways. History has shown us numerous times that dictator led countries that attack/invade other countries rarely stop on their own accord.
How is he like Hitler, has he committed genocide or defended his countrymen.... Once again imagine Hitler with a Thermo Nuclear Weapon, much less the world's 2nd largest arsenal of thermo nuclear weapons... if he wanted to obliterate Ukraine, Ukraine would be no more, you know that, I know that, they know that and he knows that!

I'm not defending Putin, fuck Putin but I'm not going to jump on the Russia, Russia, Russia bandwagon just because that is what propaganda is telling us because they want to win an election and want power! How come he was cool when Obama was debating but all of a sudden Trump runs for president and he is trying to take over the world... weird!
How is he like Hitler, has he committed genocide or defended his countrymen.... Once again imagine Hitler with a Thermo Nuclear Weapon, much less the world's 2nd largest arsenal of thermo nuclear weapons... if he wanted to obliterate Ukraine, Ukraine would be no more, you know that, I know that, they know that and he knows that!

I'm not defending Putin, fuck Putin but I'm not going to jump on the Russia, Russia, Russia bandwagon just because that is what propaganda is telling us because they want to win an election and want power! How come he was cool when Obama was debating but all of a sudden Trump runs for president and he is trying to take over the world... weird!
I would imagine there are numerous reasons why he doesn't want to nuke Ukraine.
1. It's proximity to Russia.

2. The damage done to the infrastructure.

3. The damage to fertile grain fields.

4. World condemnation.

The similarities to Hitler are his naked aggression directed toward innocent countries and his hold onto power by ruthless means. In case you haven't noticed his most visible opponents have a strange habit of falling out of the windows of tall buildings and coming down with a strange case of poisoning.
I would imagine there are numerous reasons why he doesn't want to nuke Ukraine.
1. It's proximity to Russia.

2. The damage done to the infrastructure.

3. The damage to fertile grain fields.

4. World condemnation.

The similarities to Hitler are his naked aggression directed toward innocent countries and his hold onto power by ruthless means. In case you haven't noticed his most visible opponents have a strange habit of falling out of the windows of tall buildings and coming down with a strange case of poisoning.
In the last 20 years who invaded more countries Russia or the US...

What other country besides Ukraine has Russia invaded, you said countries....

Weird how some politicians have the same issues in America but almost half the country voted for them, they don't call it Clintoned for nothing.

You think Hitler would have worried about any of that?

You think Russia is a bigger threat than mass migration of Muslims who have conducted terrorist attacks all over Europe for the last 20 years, what has Russia done, provide them gas and oil...
In the last 20 years who invaded more countries Russia or the US...

What other country besides Ukraine has Russia invaded, you said countries....

Weird how some politicians have the same issues in America but almost half the country voted for them, they don't call it Clintoned for nothing.

You think Hitler would have worried about any of that?

You think Russia is a bigger threat than mass migration of Muslims who have conducted terrorist attacks all over Europe for the last 20 years, what has Russia done, provide them gas and oil...

And please tell me you're not trying to equate US policy to Russian policy. And for the record I'm against ILLEGAL aliens of any race, religion or nationality from entering any country illegally.

I also believe that allowing Muslims to enter Christain countries is a dangerous time bomb waiting to explode.

And please tell me you're not trying to equate US policy to Russian policy. And for the record I'm against ILLEGAL aliens of any race, religion or nationality from entering any country illegally.

I also believe that allowing Muslims to enter Christain countries is a dangerous time bomb waiting to explode.
So if you read that article and think Putin is going to try and invade Europe or are afraid Putin is going to invade Europe I can't debate with you... The article calls having posts in Syria an invasion, they have an agreement with the government like we do with Japan, Italy, Romania, Germany, Italy, Phillipines, Kuwait, Iraq... You ask if I'm trying to equate US policy with Russian policy lol, I asked a question and you turned it around to avoid answering 🤣 😂 because you know the answer, living in a glass house throwing rocks to win an election!
Agree with the rest of your post!
So if you read that article and think Putin is going to try and invade Europe or are afraid Putin is going to invade Europe I can't debate with you... The article calls having posts in Syria an invasion, they have an agreement with the government like we do with Japan, Italy, Romania, Germany, Italy, Phillipines, Kuwait, Iraq... You ask if I'm trying to equate US policy with Russian policy lol, I asked a question and you turned it around to avoid answering 🤣 😂 because you know the answer, living in a glass house throwing rocks to win an election!
Agree with the rest of your post!
What didn't I answer? Also did you miss the part about Chechnya and Georgia?
So far this looks like the worst investment of money we did not have to start with. Probably could have all been avoided by denying Ukraine admission into NATO. It is a war Ukraine will lose and we have spent/printed stupid amounts of money to support a corrupt country further bankrupting and risking our own security for future generations. I think if Putin had designs on taking all of Europe we would stop him in his tracks. Wonder who all is getting rich off of this.
There are many things that drive the "bankruptcy of this country", way worse then this.

Also - Ukraine was never admitted into NATO..
There are many things that drive the "bankruptcy of this country", way worse then this.

Also - Ukraine was never admitted into NATO..
Cannot disagree with your comment on spending, but we have to start somewhere in stopping the crazy spending which knows no party lines. This is a huge waste of money poured into a war that Ukraine has no chance to win. They were not admitted, but the talk of them joining should have been shut down at the start. We have already seen how we would react if Russia set up missiles in our backyard.
What didn't I answer? Also did you miss the part about Chechnya and Georgia?
In the past 20 years who has invaded more countries... you deflected but that's OK. They have been fighting in Georgia long before Putin was born and the same with Chechnya...
The point is do you think folks believe we intend to take over the world if you compare your article versus our history...
Once again Russia and Putin were not seen as a threat by half the country until they needed to win an election...weird how that works!
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