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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

Yeah a communist controlled social media, newspaper and media has told them this... How many Ukraine deaths is Russia reporting to its people I wonder... 🤔 post by relatives 😆 🤣 😂 so Putin wouldn't have them killed for going against his wishes and reporting on social media 🙄 come on they don't have a clue!
If Russia is reporting they have lost 50-85,000, based on inheritance claims and they are reporting 500,000 while asking for billions of dollars what do you think the realistic number is...
OK. Whatever dude.
So they lost 500,000 troops to Ukraine and are planning attacks on other countries, I just don't get it.
They lost somewhere between 22 - 27 million in WWII. Life is cheap in Russia. Don't forget that Putin is a former KGB guy and they were/are ruthless.
They lost somewhere between 22 - 27 million in WWII. Life is cheap in Russia. Don't forget that Putin is a former KGB guy and they were/are ruthless.
Roger that, he resigned as a Lt Col and KGB agent from the Army the year the Soviet Union was dissolved so I get the paranoia and understand a man at 71 may want to bring his country back to what it once was but nothing in his political service or leadership has really given me that impression other than media outlets... Russia has never been more western than it was under Putin, he has been steadfast to his political and ideological beliefs, not much different than Saudi Arabia 🙄 imo
Roger that, he resigned as a Lt Col and KGB agent from the Army the year the Soviet Union was dissolved so I get the paranoia and understand a man at 71 may want to bring his country back to what it once was but nothing in his political service or leadership has really given me that impression other than media outlets... Russia has never been more western than it was under Putin, he has been steadfast to his political and ideological beliefs, not much different than Saudi Arabia 🙄 imo

I hear you, but there was a speech he gave on Russian television not long after the Ukraine invasion where he said he wanted to bring the old Soviet Union back.
I hear you, but there was a speech he gave on Russian television not long after the Ukraine invasion where he said he wanted to bring the old Soviet Union back.
Would love that quote, I have read many things and studied it some. It is my understanding his comments on the Soviet Union had to do with Soviet Ukraine, the Ukrainian Civil War and corruption around the riches left by the Soviet Union in Ukraine and how Nationalism led to much of this corruption... I read the transcript and did not get that out of the speech, the facts of his speech concerning Ukraine and it not being an independent state before Lenin are very debatable as well as a few other comments in his rant but I didn't read him say anything that resembled bringing back the Soviet Union of the Russian Republic

Since then, he has seized every opportunity history has offered him, from the attacks of 11 September 2001 to the Ukrainian Revolution of 2013, in his bid to secure his aims. He has been tactically astute and ruthlessly opportunistic. At home and abroad, he wants Russia to regain the prestige it held when he was growing up.

He grew up in Leningrad in the former Soviet Union. That's the prestige he wants to return to.
Would love that quote, I have read many things and studied it some. It is my understanding his comments on the Soviet Union had to do with Soviet Ukraine, the Ukrainian Civil War and corruption around the riches left by the Soviet Union in Ukraine and how Nationalism led to much of this corruption... I read the transcript and did not get that out of the speech, the facts of his speech concerning Ukraine and it not being an independent state before Lenin are very debatable as well as a few other comments in his rant but I didn't read him say anything that resembled bringing back the Soviet Union of the Russian Republic

Russia was perceived by some as a quasi-ally with us before the stuff in Ukraine happened.

For example, take the plot of this movie that came out in 2018.


In the movie, we try to rescue a Putin-like Russian president after a coup attempt.

The film was released in the United States on October 26, 2018, by Lionsgate through the Summit Premiere label. It was released in several territories, including the United Kingdom, the week before on October 19, 2018.

In Ukraine, the film was scheduled to premiere on October 25, but the Ukraine Ministry of Culture denied it an exhibition license based on a 2012 law on cinematography that banned "the distribution and screening of films, the goal of which is to popularise the bodies of an aggressor state and/or Soviet state security organs". According to a representative of the Ukrainian State Film Agency (Derzhkino), screening the film would be illegal because it contains a "positive image of the Russian president and admiral of the Russian army". Ukrainian-Russian relations have deteriorated since the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea.

In Russia, the film was scheduled to premiere on November 1, but the film failed to obtain an exhibition license from the culture ministry. The ministry stated that the copy of the movie submitted by the distributor for review was of poor quality and the replacement was submitted too late for the ministry to review it in time.

I never saw it, but it looks like a pretty good movie to me.
Hypersonic cruise missiles are useless against a submarine.


At the end of the new Cold War day, any military action between the U.S. and Russia will come down to nuclear submarine combat, just like it would have in the first Cold War, which the Soviets lost.

So, the more things change, the more they remain the same.
So Putin is an enemy to America as well and a threat to try and take us over, is that what we're saying? So the party of inclusion creates 2 enemies, Trump and Putin just like that 🤔 when one was a quasi-ally and the other a quasi-president....crazy movie!

I want the 80's to call with that foreign policy back I guess, strange times! I heard a narrative of Putin that sounds like the Cold War...
All kidding aside Mitt Romney was right and what does that say about it all...

The Russian Orthodox Church calls Putin's invasion a ‘holy war’ against the 'satanic' West​
