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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

Some would also argue that the complacency and refusal of the major European NATO countries to pay for their own defense forces is also a companion threat as well.
Someone threatened to leave NATO unless they did just that, seems like he was called an idiot by many...
That someone will leave NATO if he gets back into the WH. And it will exactly what Putin wants. Putin's Puppet.
So you are Nostradamaus and know what other people will do lol 😆 😂 you and Blitzkrieg know what Putin and Trump think and are going to do, hhhhmmmm
Is that why we had peace when he was president, weird... is that why Putin invaded Ukraine while he was president, oh wait...
Him threatening to pull out strengthened NATO and got European countries to step up but your hatred of Trump blinds you just like calling his love of America a bad thing, stating America first as Nationalism, saying Trump 🙄 drilling is awful but Biden drilling more than Trump after derailing the economy by telling the world we will phase out fossil fuel by 2030 ... Like bombing the Nord 1 gas line...
Tell us one thing Trump did in office that strengthened Putin and Russia, that you think Putin was pulling the strings when Trump signed the Executive order...
You think allowing people to stream into the country illegally is good for America and strengthens us, surely no communist could be coming across the borders.... 🙄
So you are Nostradamaus and know what other people will do lol 😆 😂 you and Blitzkrieg know what Putin and Trump think and are going to do, hhhhmmmm
Is that why we had peace when he was president, weird... is that why Putin invaded Ukraine while he was president, oh wait...
Him threatening to pull out strengthened NATO and got European countries to step up but your hatred of Trump blinds you just like calling his love of America a bad thing, stating America first as Nationalism, saying Trump 🙄 drilling is awful but Biden drilling more than Trump after derailing the economy by telling the world we will phase out fossil fuel by 2030 ... Like bombing the Nord 1 gas line...
Tell us one thing Trump did in office that strengthened Putin and Russia, that you think Putin was pulling the strings when Trump signed the Executive order...
You think allowing people to stream into the country illegally is good for America and strengthens us, surely no communist could be coming across the borders.... 🙄
So you are Nostradamaus and know what other people will do lol 😆 😂 you and Blitzkrieg know what Putin and Trump think and are going to do, hhhhmmmm
Is that why we had peace when he was president, weird... is that why Putin invaded Ukraine while he was president, oh wait...
Him threatening to pull out strengthened NATO and got European countries to step up but your hatred of Trump blinds you just like calling his love of America a bad thing, stating America first as Nationalism, saying Trump 🙄 drilling is awful but Biden drilling more than Trump after derailing the economy by telling the world we will phase out fossil fuel by 2030 ... Like bombing the Nord 1 gas line...
Tell us one thing Trump did in office that strengthened Putin and Russia, that you think Putin was pulling the strings when Trump signed the Executive order...
You think allowing people to stream into the country illegally is good for America and strengthens us, surely no communist could be coming across the borders.... 🙄
Tap the brakes a little there pal, I believe that any NATO member not paying their agreed upon share based on the Treaty percentages should face a 1- 2 year probation period to get their spending up to par or face expulsion from NATO.

While I don't know what Putin is thinking per se I again refer to the lessons of history. Tyrants rarely stop without being forced to stop. He has stated that he wants to retake and or attack certain areas/countries.

When someone makes threats they should be taken seriously. Hitler told the world exactly what he intended to do in Mein Kampf and many people laughed it off as absurd.

I have also previously stated that IMHO that Europe needs to be doing much more than they are to aid Ukraine.
Explain how this in anyway strengthened Putin and Russia? It in fact boosted NATO finances and got European countries to start paying their fair share, prove me wrong!
It is like saying if you don't pay your property taxes I will let the local authorities do as they please... sucks but welcome to the real world! Put your big girl panties on and grow a pair, my grandfather didn't sit in a foxhole to let Europe live secure off my dime!
Tap the brakes a little there pal, I believe that any NATO member not paying their agreed upon share based on the Treaty percentages should face a 1- 2 year probation period to get their spending up to par or face expulsion from NATO.

While I don't know what Putin is thinking per se I again refer to the lessons of history. Tyrants rarely stop without being forced to stop. He has stated that he wants to retake and or attack certain areas/countries.

When someone makes threats they should be taken seriously. Hitler told the world exactly what he intended to do in Mein Kampf and many people laughed it off as absurd.

I have also previously stated that IMHO that Europe needs to be doing much more than they are to aid Ukraine.
I don't disagree but have not read or heard Putin tell the world that. Not saying it's untrue and understand your rational, I for sure think Putin is a problem but they always were and the issue for me is the flip flop on this issue to win an election! What happen to the 80's called and wants 🤔 there cold war foreign affairs back... Joe Biden was part of that administration, not Trump!

The same issue I have when I was told this is not political, when I was told if we give them the billions it will be over in a few months. Tthe issue of Ukraine can defeat Russia, when in my opinion you would have to be a brain dead to not at least think about the Ukraine political issues we had in our country with the Bidens as he gives them Billions of our money... FOR WHAT? How do you know Putin is not getting half that money, we have no accountability for billions of dollars going to a country he invaded... but he is pulling Trumps strings 🙄 while they have Trump in court for what, something they would fine a career politician for... In fact they did fine Clinton for using election money to pay for the Steele Dossier that was used to spy on Trump and caused the Russia, Russia, Russia... she paid an ex foreign spy, think about that!
I don't disagree but have not read or heard Putin tell the world that. Not saying it's untrue and understand your rational, I for sure think Putin is a problem but they always were and the issue for me is the flip flop on this issue to win an election! What happen to the 80's called and wants 🤔 there cold war foreign affairs back... Joe Biden was part of that administration, not Trump!

The same issue I have when I was told this is not political, when I was told if we give them the billions it will be over in a few months. Tthe issue of Ukraine can defeat Russia, when in my opinion you would have to be a brain dead to not at least think about the Ukraine political issues we had in our country with the Bidens as he gives them Billions of our money... FOR WHAT? How do you know Putin is not getting half that money, we have no accountability for billions of dollars going to a country he invaded... but he is pulling Trumps strings 🙄 while they have Trump in court for what, something they would fine a career politician for... In fact they did fine Clinton for using election money to pay for the Steele Dossier that was used to spy on Trump and caused the Russia, Russia, Russia... she paid an ex foreign spy, think about that!
Oh I agree that there's plenty of corruption going on there and Ukraine can't defeat Russia in the traditional sense of defeating their armed forces.

They can only hope to inflict enough damage to cause Putin to stop attacking at some point. I've seen Russian casualty figures at anywhere from 300 - 500,000. The whole thing is a tragic waste of human life.
Oh I agree that there's plenty of corruption going on there and Ukraine can't defeat Russia in the traditional sense of defeating their armed forces.

They can only hope to inflict enough damage to cause Putin to stop attacking at some point. I've seen Russian casualty figures at anywhere from 300 - 500,000. The whole thing is a tragic waste of human life.
This i agree and I stated in this thread, way back before sending any aid that we should push for democracy, that Ukraine can't win and we should not be paying for people to die! I think many have opened thier eyes to this now, sucks we wasted billions and countless died before reality set in...
Explain how this in anyway strengthened Putin and Russia? It in fact boosted NATO finances and got European countries to start paying their fair share, prove me wrong!
It is like saying if you don't pay your property taxes I will let the local authorities do as they please... sucks but welcome to the real world! Put your big girl panties on and grow a pair, my grandfather didn't sit in a foxhole to let Europe live secure off my dime!
Explain how this in anyway strengthened Putin and Russia? It in fact boosted NATO finances and got European countries to start paying their fair share, prove me wrong!
It is like saying if you don't pay your property taxes I will let the local authorities do as they please... sucks but welcome to the real world! Put your big girl panties on and grow a pair, my grandfather didn't sit in a foxhole to let Europe live secure off my dime!
Because when you say that the US won’t come to the side of NATO countries that don’t meet their commitment, you don’t have an alliance anymore. It’s how alliances break apart. And that will strengthen Russia.

It’s not a hard concept.
Because when you say that the US won’t come to the side of NATO countries that don’t meet their commitment, you don’t have an alliance anymore. It’s how alliances break apart. And that will strengthen Russia.

It’s not a hard concept.
So your saying if they don't meet their commitment our alliance is still strong... if we simply talk about not meeting ours, our alliance is weaker... yeah hard concept, your idea of an alliance must be different than mine!

Amazing how it strengthened NATO before Russia invaded, allowed us to build missle defense systems in neighboring countries through partnerships and got Europe to start honoring there commitment so we would honor ours!

If you believe Bidens foreign relations are stronger than Trumps and he is more respected I'll sell you some land next to Crimea... you actually buy he is Putins puppet and the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax while probably having gotten 18 COVID shots and wear a mask driving down the road... you're probably sure it was an Insurrection, minorities can't get ID's to vote, no election was ever stolen and we went into Iraq for WMD's...
I'm sure that's not propaganda from a country that said give us billions and we can win this war 🙄, now tells us they have loss 31,000 and Russia 150,000 yet they have made no gains... it's not like the former comedian would lie or be corrupt... my favorite line from the article is 500,000 losses, 150,000 deaths as if they wouldn't know exactly how many soldiers they captured or have given up and asked for asylum... If this is the case how come college students don't protest for Russia, 500,000 compared to 31,000 lol 😆 sorry it's not a laughing matter but....
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I'm sure that's not propaganda from a country that said give us billions and we can win this war 🙄, now tells us they have loss 31,000 and Russia 150,000 yet they have made no gains... it's not like the former comedian would lie or be corrupt... my favorite line from the article is 500,000 losses, 150,000 deaths as if they wouldn't know exactly how many soldiers they captured or have given and asked for asylum... If this is the case how come college students don't protest for Russia, 500,000 compared to 31,000 lol 😆
That estimate is also in line with UK, French and US estimates.
How do you think they came up with that estimate, just curious 🤔
They scour social media postings, newspaper notices, obituaries, posts by relatives, regional media reports, statements from local authorities and satellite imagery.
They scour social media postings, newspaper notices, obituaries, posts by relatives, regional media reports, statements from local authorities and satellite imagery.
Yeah a communist controlled social media, newspaper and media has told them this... How many Ukraine deaths is Russia reporting to its people I wonder... 🤔 post by relatives 😆 🤣 😂 so Putin wouldn't have them killed for going against his wishes and reporting on social media 🙄 come on they don't have a clue!
If Russia is reporting they have lost 50-85,000, based on inheritance claims and they are reporting 500,000 while asking for billions of dollars what do you think the realistic number is...