I don't know if this is even applicable in our case, but it does beg the question...would/should you as a hiring manager wait for someone wanting to hear about another position---knowing that you would just be a fall-back position? At this point, I'm really lukewarm about hiring someone that wanted to go elsewhere and didn't get the offer they wanted. It seems like that is someone that will simply bolt at the first opportunity. Again, I have no idea if any of Beamer's candidates are in discussions with other schools. I'm not naïve enough to believe that SC is the dream location for everyone, and for most it's simply a job and an opportunity to get a pay raise/work in a more "secure" environment/work for a "better" boss, etc..., but it would be nice if SC was the first choice for the people being considered.
Are there any candidates still being considered that are on either Ohio State or Alabama? I'm not aware of any, so one would hope announcements are coming soon.
By the way, patience is not one of my new year's resolutions.