GCF VIP Member
That is Dak's biggest problem. Our current OC does not seem to be able to develop different plays for different QB's. And he doesn't seem to want to let Dak just go play QB and throw the ball more. But we have not been in the practices and seen what Dak does when he tries doing that.If I was the OC, I would give him some series and let him do more than run QB keepers,
Like I have said, I was never a college coach, but I think I was a decent HS coach. And I may not know what I am talking about, but I really feel an OC could introduce 2 or 3 plays just for when Dak is in there. Sadly, being a D guru, I really think Champ stays away from the offensive planning and relies on B-Mac to do his thing. That is why I feel we should step up, pay the dollars, and get a real experienced OC. If he had that, Champs recruiting would truly bloom because they would want to play for a winning team, and he could become a really good Coach.