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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

The USS Tennessee ballistic submarine popped up in the Norwegian Sea on Tuesday and was accompanied by a guided-missile cruiser and two naval aircraft.

It’s thought the sub surfaced as a show of force after Russia sent a nuclear-powered submarine and naval fleet to Cuba.

The aircraft main mission is relaying ☢️ launch order toward submarines (SSBN) at sea using ~8km long VLF antenna
This type of NOTAM is consistent with those commonly used to cover E-6B missions involving the deployment of one of the aircraft’s two trailing wire antennas. With the longest wire reaching up to five miles, or eight kilometers, in length, they are deployed while the aircraft flies a tight spiral pattern, leading to the wire to droop almost vertically down towards the sea. The aircraft can then broadcast radio transmissions in the very low frequency (VLF) range to communicate with submerged submarines at a considerable distance.
E-6B Mercury aircraft also have the unique Airborne Launch Control System capability which allows remote launch of U.S. Air Force Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles from the aircraft. This role was previously taken by U.S. Air Force EC-135 Looking Glass until their withdrawal in 1998. The U.S. Navy’s E-6A Hermes fleet, originally conceived solely for the submarine communications role, was chosen to assume the Looking Glass mission, and they underwent an upgrade from E-6A to E-6B standard to prepare for the new tasking.

Russia’s Victory Day offensive across Ukraine’s northern border with Russia may have aimed to capture a wide, deep swathe of territory to bring heavy artillery closer to the city of Kharkiv, 25 miles to the south. More ambitiously, Russian commanders may have hoped to march on Kharkiv itself.

Neither happened. Within a couple of weeks of the offensive kicking off on May 9—the day Russia celebrates its defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II—the force of 30,000 or so Russian troops got bogged down in the town of Vovchansk, just a few miles south of the border.

And now the defenders of Vovchansk, including some or part of several Ukrainian mechanized, marine and airborne brigades, have reportedly defeated an elite Russian airborne brigade.
This war will likely drag on and on for a long time. 🤬
There is evidence of huge losses of people on both sides, with Russia continuing to send conscripts into human wave attacks.
While the Ukrainians continue to attack with hundreds of drone strikes daily on the battlefield as well as inside Russia.
This has moved beyond calling it some kind of "Vietnam" for Russia.

Here is one of the videos showing some of the drone strikes on Russia air defense/SAM systems. This is no-mans land!
(you might want to turn off the whacky music)

The President of the United States talked about, said Nuclear War twice in the debate and didn't mention diplomacy once... his plan is to throw money and weapons at it, hoping and praying it doesn't lead to WWIII and weaponizing another corrupt country, dictatorship!
We can't afford to pay for this forever.

If Putin won't withdraw his forces, then take the gloves off and let the UAF strike into Russia as much as needed to get them out of Ukraine.
We can't afford to pay for this forever.

If Putin won't withdraw his forces, then take the gloves off and let the UAF strike into Russia as much as needed to get them out of Ukraine.
I can't believe the Russian people are Ok with this. I've seen reports where Russia is basically using outdated WWI "charge the trenches" tactics in mass formations taking huge casualties in the process. It's down right barbaric. smh
I can't believe the Russian people are Ok with this. I've seen reports where Russia is basically using outdated WWI "charge the trenches" tactics in mass formations taking huge casualties in the process. It's down right barbaric. smh
Which is exactly what Stalin did to drive the German Army out of Russia in WW2. Kinda stupid in modern warfare, though.
Which is exactly what Stalin did to drive the German Army out of Russia in WW2. Kinda stupid in modern warfare, though.
Yeah, I've read about Operation Barbarossa. The Russian people had little chance of getting outside news about the colossal losses plus having been invaded they would have been more tolerable of the Government doing what they had to do.

Ukraine invaded no one and you'd think in this modern era of computers and jet travel that the news of the massive casualties and seemingly little or no regard for the welfare of their soldiers that the Russian people would be reacting more than they have been.
We can't afford to pay for this forever.

If Putin won't withdraw his forces, then take the gloves off and let the UAF strike into Russia as much as needed to get them out of Ukraine.
Should have done that during Crimea but we had no balls in the White House just like we have no balls in the White House now, what did Putin do to Ukraine when we had balls in the White House? I think we should start WWIII as well I mean the number of humans on the planet is not sustainable 🙄 and the death toll to this point just isn't cutting it, we need to bomb some Russian civilians and blow some shit up, sacrafice some of our military soldiers as well as NATO's...
Of what importance is Ukraine that we should mortgage our own country. How about let them fight their own war and if Putin decides to keep moving and attacks a NATO Ally we then come to their defense. Ukraine was nothing buy a cesspool of corruption. I can only imagine they have some much dirt our many leaders in our country that we feel the need to fight this war. I would rather we quit throwing money into an empty cause. This war has lasted much longer than anyone thought it would and there is no measurable progress for Ukraine other than draining our funds and raising our national debt to the point where we will become vulnerable at some point. We seem to want this conflict to continue. I am not sure what the reason is, but we are definitely not trying to diffuse or help create some kind of treaty. We just keep throwing more heated rhetoric at it.
Putin is making this about East vs. West in his messages to Russia.

Go ahead and let Ukraine into NATO and let the NATO countries start footing the bill.