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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

They got spanked when they tried to advance on Kiev. You can spin it all you want. Doesn't change the fact.
I like it and don't want to spin anything, nothing, that I can promise you! If in fact you are completely right and I am completely wrong, it makes no sense that Putin is still breathing...
Troop losses:

Equipment losses:

What do you think the population of the region that Russia currently occupies was? Do you think any of those losses are Ukrainians they deem traders in the pseudo civil war? You think Russia is arming one side and we are arming the other?
What do you think the population of the region that Russia currently occupies was? Do you think any of those losses are Ukrainians they deem traders in the pseudo civil war? You think Russia is arming one side and we are arming the other?
I think the entire episode is a terrible waste of human life.
It’s no secret that Putin’s dream is to rebuild Russia to the borders of the USSR. Which includes some NATO countries.

How much money did we spend in Iraq when we were told Saddam had WMDs that were never found?
Not sure why you are highlighting another stupid conflict to justify this one. Again if Putin advances on a NATO country that is a different story. I don’t think he wants that conflict. We on the other hand seem to want the one that is going on now.
Not sure why you are highlighting another stupid conflict to justify this one. Again if Putin advances on a NATO country that is a different story. I don’t think he wants that conflict. We on the other hand seem to want the one that is going on now.
So you're against providing help to Ukraine?
Ukraine was not a threat to Russia. Period.
Period, that's it... So if a country is not a threat to another you have no right sending troops in to it and despite being at War it is your opinion it is only right or wrong, black and white with no middle, no gray or two sides...
Period, that's it... So if a country is not a threat to another you have no right sending troops in to it and despite being at War it is your opinion it is only right or wrong, black and white with no middle, no gray or two sides...
Russia had zero reasons to militarily invade Ukraine. Period.
So you're against providing help to Ukraine?
I am. We should defend our allies. They are not an ally and really none of our buisness. If Putin moves beyond Ukraine and and threatens one of our allies I am all about sending aid. We let them take Crimea without any involvement, why is Ukraine different? Why are we now so concerned? I did not hear the outcry for the poor civilians in Crimea. In the meantime we neglect our veterans here in the US and give minimal resources to take care of them and their mental health from other conflicts we should not have been involved in.
I am. We should defend our allies. They are not an ally and really none of our buisness. If Putin moves beyond Ukraine and and threatens one of our allies I am all about sending aid. We let them take Crimea without any involvement, why is Ukraine different? Why are we now so concerned? I did not hear the outcry for the poor civilians in Crimea. In the meantime we neglect our veterans here in the US and give minimal resources to take care of them and their mental health from other conflicts we should not have been involved in.
It's probably best I not respond because we're not supposed to talk politics. As a retired Army Vet I fully agree about the neglect of Vets.