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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

Not trying to pick at you, SA, but being mindful of the decimal points, no Euro/NATO countries are contributing more than 1% of their GDP to supporting Ukraine, which is pretty pathetic given that stopping this type of Russian aggression is exactly why NATO was created.

Having said that, though, I think Ukraine taking the gloves off and attacking inside Russia seems to be the most effective strategy so far. Controlling the roads is controlling territory from a ground warfare standpoint. There are not that many roads in that part of the world.

If the UAF seizes Russian Hwy 115, which runs north-to-south somewhat parallel to the Ukrainian border, the Russian ground forces would be cut off from the north. Driving south and seizing Hwy 260 where it intersects Hwy 115 before winter sets in would essentially cut off the Russian occupying forces and possibly force the Russians to pull out of Ukraine.

Hwy 115.png

The Russians would have to retreat eastward to prevent the capture of Rostov-on-Don by the Ukrainians. The UAF would have to control Rostov-on-Don to protect Mariupol from falling again if the Russians were to somehow pull out of Ukraine.

The Ukrainians controlling Hwy 115 is the key to ending the Russian occupation of Ukraine.
I'll be surprised if the UAF can sustain this offensive much longer. The further they go the longer their supply lines get stretched. It was/is a hell of a move though. Caught Putin completely off guard.

A few observations from a military perspective:

I'd surmise to this point that Russian equipment is once again inferior to Western equipment.

Russian command and control seems very erratic and slow to respond.

The Russian supply system has trouble keeping the troops supplied. I've read accounts of shortages of everything from ammo to medical supplies to fuel to spare parts to food and water.

Russian training seems very bad. These troops that were surprised in the Kursk region apparently didn't even have guards on duty in several places. This is inexcusable. Also Russian tactics seem very outdated.
I'll be surprised if the UAF can sustain this offensive much longer.
A lot of this is UAF SOF patrolling in small units + UAF superior drone strikes on all kinds of targets. These are easier to sustain than an armored offensive. Some of this is textbook manuever warfare. The Ukrainians learned to keep a lid on information about their operations.
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The UAF destroys two key Russian bridgeheads.


Ground warfare 101.
The UAF just needs to take out the bridges to Belarus from Russia, take the Hwy 115/260 crossroads, and take control of Rostov-On-Don to get the Russians out.
Can you imagine what would happen in the US if that was happening?
What kind of leader willinging brings this on his own people?
The Russian people can't think about any kind of protest over being terrorized by drones. This is like the V-1 Buzz bombs that terrorized London during WWII.

He cares more about lives of his Russian mafia thugs than the common Russian on the street.
I just hope these UAF attacks and incursions don't start turning the Russian people's opinions toward Putin/support for the war.
What should our response be if Ukraine invades Russia?
I bet they hope they can use it to make Russia back down, but I really do not see Putin doing that. He is just getting madder.
They are about to trap 3000 Russian troops. That will get a whole bunch of Russians upset with Putin for this whole war.
They are about to trap 3000 Russian troops. That will get a whole bunch of Russians upset with Putin for this whole war.
None of it matters. The Russian people can't do anything about it, plus Russian media is so full of lies and propoganda, they'll probably claim they captured 3k Ukrainians.