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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

Gentleman I think the war is smoke and mirrors for the elite! Putin was a fine outstanding person for 25 years, the Clinton's and Obama told us on numerous occasions the Cold War is over and we want Russia as an ally. Clinton made it like Russia was part of NATO in her 2010 speeches concerning the Russian/NATO alliance and then in 2016 all of a sudden Russia was bad and Putin was bad because Trump was snooping into what was going on in Ukraine... We had reports of us funding the fall of the Ukraine government and putting in this new leadership, reports of civil war, revolution near the Russian border... If Russia toppled the Mexican government to put in one that was more friendly to them how would we react? Or Cuban government 🙄? Or Canadian government?
If we were ar war with Cuba and Russia was supplying then with arms would we negotiate the release of prisoners with them?
Is Ukraine a Democracy? Do they have freedom of religion and the press? Is Zelensky prosecuting his political rivals?
Gentleman I think the war is smoke and mirrors for the elite! Putin was a fine outstanding person for 25 years, the Clinton's and Obama told us on numerous occasions the Cold War is over and we want Russia as an ally. Clinton made it like Russia was part of NATO in her 2010 speeches concerning the Russian/NATO alliance and then in 2016 all of a sudden Russia was bad and Putin was bad because Trump was snooping into what was going on in Ukraine... We had reports of us funding the fall of the Ukraine government and putting in this new leadership, reports of civil war, revolution near the Russian border... If Russia toppled the Mexican government to put in one that was more friendly to them how would we react? Or Cuban government 🙄? Or Canadian government?
If we were ar war with Cuba and Russia was supplying then with arms would we negotiate the release of prisoners with them?

Not picking at you, but Putin's aiding of Assad in Syria forced thousands to flee on foot through Turkey and across Europe.

That and the human rights issues caused by the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine have changed things. Putin's never been a fine, outstanding person. He always has to do something bad to save face.
Not picking at you, but Putin's aiding of Assad in Syria forced thousands to flee on foot through Turkey and across Europe.

That and the human rights issues caused by the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine have changed things. Putin's never been a fine, outstanding person. He always has to do something bad to save face.
I didn't think that nor did I say it, the folks I mention hob knobbed with him, negotiated with him, told us the Cold War was over and Russia was going to be an ally of the Western world until Trump.... Even after Crimea, what did Obama, Biden and the Clinton's say or do to admonish Russia or Putin?
Weird you bring that up, Assad was in Moscow in July... Putin intervened in Syria in 2015, what was your point? What did Obama, Biden or Clinton do, did they admonish Putin? Assad would tell you he saved his country and according to reports is opening up peace talks with Turkey, the 2nd time Putin has brokered talks between the 2 countries.
DUDE, no one said it was, show me a quote that I said Ukraine is why we are 35 trillion in debt... they are an example of why, this is a pattern that has been repeated, as I stated if you are 35 Trillion in debt giving your neighbor 235 Billion because you are already 35 trillion in debt is not how you fix it, it continues to PUT YOU IN DEBT, CONTRIBUTES TO YOUR DEBT! That is what I said in response to your post.... apologies for the confusion.
So in your mind we did not go into more debt giving money to Ukraine and my statement was false?
The Government spends waaaaaaaaay too much money on numerous items. For instance we're currently giving Afghanistan about a billion a year. We're spending hundreds of billions taking care of illegal aliens that thumb their noses at our laws.

I also agree that if you're bankrupt the solution isn't to go out an get another credit card. I do believe the money sent to Ukraine is well spent for several reasons.

France's OFMIN, an agency tasked with preventing violence against minors, had issued an arrest warrant for Durov as the coordinating agency in a preliminary investigation into alleged offenses including fraud, drug trafficking, cyberbullying, organized crime and promotion of terrorism, one of the sources close to the case told AFP.
The Government spends waaaaaaaaay too much money on numerous items. For instance we're currently giving Afghanistan about a billion a year. We're spending hundreds of billions taking care of illegal aliens that thumb their noses at our laws.

I also agree that if you're bankrupt the solution isn't to go out an get another credit card. I do believe the money sent to Ukraine is well spent for several reasons.
I don't disagree with your post except the last line of course and I'm not completely against that...
I don't disagree with your post except the last line of course and I'm not completely against that...
Well hopefully folks at the Pentagon are paying close attention to the ever changing face of warfare. 5 thousand dollar drones are taking out 30 million dollar tanks on a regular basis not to mention 25k dollar drones taking out 200 million dollar Naval vessels.
Well hopefully folks at the Pentagon are paying close attention to the ever changing face of warfare. 5 thousand dollar drones are taking out 30 million dollar tanks on a regular basis not to mention 25k dollar drones taking out 200 million dollar Naval vessels.

That is the one glaring difference between this and previous wars and also why the Russians would not easily defeat Ukraine if the funding happened to be dialed back some. Just imagine what several hundred drones could do if programmed to fly in unison in a major land or sea battle.
It's ironic how Russia views it's invasion of Ukraine as perfectly justifiable but anyone providing help to Ukraine is completely out of bounds.

There should have been a negotiated peace months ago. No way Ukraine keeps all its initial territory. This is a proxy war grinding up the lives for no good purpose.

Interesting how this article directly contradicts almost three weeks of other headlines.
"The Ten principles of propaganda:

We do not want war

The opposing side is solely responsible for the war.

The enemy is evil.

Our cause is noble, we have no special interests.

The enemy knowingly commits atrocities, ours are unfortunate errors.

The enemy uses banned weapons.

Our cause has a sacred nature.

Artists and intellectuals support our cause.

The enemy suffers massive losses, ours are minimal.

All who question our cause are traitors.