Gentleman I think the war is smoke and mirrors for the elite! Putin was a fine outstanding person for 25 years, the Clinton's and Obama told us on numerous occasions the Cold War is over and we want Russia as an ally. Clinton made it like Russia was part of NATO in her 2010 speeches concerning the Russian/NATO alliance and then in 2016 all of a sudden Russia was bad and Putin was bad because Trump was snooping into what was going on in Ukraine... We had reports of us funding the fall of the Ukraine government and putting in this new leadership, reports of civil war, revolution near the Russian border... If Russia toppled the Mexican government to put in one that was more friendly to them how would we react? Or Cuban government
? Or Canadian government?
If we were ar war with Cuba and Russia was supplying then with arms would we negotiate the release of prisoners with them?

If we were ar war with Cuba and Russia was supplying then with arms would we negotiate the release of prisoners with them?