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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

What should our response be if Ukraine invades Russia?
I bet they hope they can use it to make Russia back down, but I really do not see Putin doing that. He is just getting madder.
They are about to trap 3000 Russian troops. That will get a whole bunch of Russians upset with Putin for this whole war.

That info most likely to be kept from most Russians I believe. Same as Imperial Japan during WW2.
That area around Lgov is mainly farmland, but there is what looks like a pipeline west of Lgov. Is it oil? natural gas? water? Nordstream?

All it really does is give the Russian propaganda machine more ammunition to tell the citizens that this is what they feared all along and why they attacked Ukraine in the first place. Just another escalation in this endless conflict.
All it really does is give the Russian propaganda machine more ammunition to tell the citizens that this is what they feared all along and why they attacked Ukraine in the first place. Just another escalation in this endless conflict.
Which is an absolute lie considering Russia invaded the Crimea 10 yrs ago without any provocation. This was in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994.
The west enable Russia's aggression by continuing to buy gas/oil & conduct other business with Russia (hindsight).
No one cared about defending Ukraine until the Ukrainians stood up to Russia and forced the west to confront the reality of Putin's Russia.
Sweden & Finland have had their "oh sh_t" moment and have now joined NATO.

Which is an absolute lie considering Russia invaded the Crimea 10 yrs ago without any provocation. This was in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994.
The west enable Russia's aggression by continuing to buy gas/oil & conduct other business with Russia (hindsight).
No one cared about defending Ukraine until the Ukrainians stood up to Russia and forced the west to confront the reality of Putin's Russia.
Sweden & Finland have had their "oh sh_t" moment and have now joined NATO.

Oh I agree it is a lie, which is why I said it was propaganda, but at the end of the day when their Govt.'s lying to them and they are losing loved ones in an attack on their soil, they are going to aim that anger at the US. has happened time and again in history. I still Don't buy the Putin's Russia thing, but that is just my opinion. Like I said before if he went after our allies then we defend them. There are many of us that still don't give a crap about Ukraine to the point we destroy our own country financially even further.
Oh I agree it is a lie, which is why I said it was propaganda, but at the end of the day when their Govt.'s lying to them and they are losing loved ones in an attack on their soil, they are going to aim that anger at the US. has happened time and again in history. I still Don't buy the Putin's Russia thing, but that is just my opinion. Like I said before if he went after our allies then we defend them. There are many of us that still don't give a crap about Ukraine to the point we destroy our own country financially even further.
Who is destroying are own country not giving a crap about Ukraine and how?
Agree with your post, when propaganda is legal for governments to use it is dangerous, this is why the repeal of the Smith-Mundt act was so damning to our Nation!
Who is destroying are own country not giving a crap about Ukraine and how?
Agree with your post, when propaganda is legal for governments to use it is dangerous, this is why the repeal of the Smith-Mundt act was so damning to our Nation!
I meant that we are caring about Ukraine to the point of detriment to our own country. Anyone with kids looking down the line at the crushing national debt and us losing our standing financially in the world cannot think spending all of this on Ukraine is a good thing. We should defend our allies, not some corrupt country that has probably done more damage to our country through their corruption.
Seems you have Ukraine confused with Russia or China. Last time I checked, it was either Russia or China hammering the US daily with cyber attacks and espionage.
So you don't think Ukraine has done any damage to our country with its corruption 🤔 even as we send billions with no oversight? Just Burisma alone and the ousting of the last regime, no damage to our country...
Explain to me how Russia was not the biggest geopolitical threat to America according to Obama and Joe Biden in 2012 but they took Crimea in 2014 and they didn't do SHIT!!! But when Trump is president both Obama, the Clinton's and Biden can't shut up about Russia, make it make sense. He leaves office and Russia attacks Ukraine after the Democratic Party tries to impeach Trump over Russia and Ukraine but no corruption in that country...
Our country doesn't hold any moral high ground when it comes to corruption. Also helping Ukraine is hardly the reason for our huge deficits.
And this is costing us way less than fighting an all out war with Russia because they did something stupid to a NATO ally.
We can now focus our defense efforts on Iran & China, which cannot make any of them happy.

All things considered, we are not in a bad position.
And this is costing us way less than fighting an all out war with Russia because they did something stupid to a NATO ally.
We can now focus our defense efforts on Iran & China, which cannot make any of them happy.

All things considered, we are not in a bad position.
I concur.
And this is costing us way less than fighting an all out war with Russia because they did something stupid to a NATO ally.
We can now focus our defense efforts on Iran & China, which cannot make any of them happy.

All things considered, we are not in a bad position.
The sheer ignorance of casually posting about an all out war with Russia, wow, what does that look like? So the Cold War is over and an all out war with Russia would just be expensive so just push on in there until that mushroom cloud changes everything, who needs civility... 🤔 🙄 So if Russia starts giving Iran weapons to fight us we would negotiate prisoners with them still... Yeah Iran and China, don't worry about N Korea or Russia or Ukraine or Hamas or the Taliban...
What things did you consider when stating we are not in a bad position?
Our country doesn't hold any moral high ground when it comes to corruption. Also helping Ukraine is hardly the reason for our huge deficits.
Who mentioned debt? But when you are in debt I'm pretty sure no financial advisor on Earth is telling you to give money away as part of the fix 🙄 but OK, we will put our head in the sand with you and tell ourselves giving Ukraine Billions didn't put us in debt because we were already there so, we should just give more away with no oversight as it is hardly why we are in debt...
Ooooohhhhh so we are corrupt and they are corrupt, hence how myself and Longhaul are talking about damage done to our country. Well myself, apologies Longhaul I did not mean to assume and speak for you!
The Neo Nazi wing of Ukriane is very much a strong part of this revolution but never talked about? Golinkin goes into detail about it in his criticism of the propaganda movie Winter on Fire...
The Pentagon has opened over 50 criminal cases concerning aide to Ukraine...
Even before we sent the money in 2021 we had sent 5.1 Billion dollars to Ukraine from 1991 to 2014 to help with the revolution...
Commies and Nazis, the world's most favorite peeps. LOL

The big picture thing is Ukraine doesn't want to be part of the Russian Federation and Putin's mercenary Wagner goons have been wiped out.

Putin has been given 2.5 years to pull out and it hasn't happened; very expensive for both Russia and the Western powers.

Time to take the gloves off and let the UAF establish a buffer zone. Attacking Russian assets in Russia before they can deploy to Ukraine is the most cost effective way to do things at this point. Also saves the West money if it is done right.
Commies and Nazis, the world's most favorite peeps. LOL

The big picture thing is Ukraine doesn't want to be part of the Russian Federation and Putin's mercenary Wagner goons have been wiped out.

Putin has been given 2.5 years to pull out and it hasn't happened; very expensive for both Russia and the Western powers.

Time to take the gloves off and let the UAF establish a buffer zone. Attacking Russian assets in Russia before they can deploy to Ukraine is the most cost effective way to do things at this point. Also saves the West money if it is done right.
The Wagner goons have not been wiped out...
That's a thin dangerous line we are riding to "save money"... I hope your ready to arm yourself and fight if they decide to make this WWIII because we wanted to save money 🙄 Amazing how attitudes have changed in this thread from page 1 when this would be over quick and Ukraine would defeat Russia...
Amazing how attitudes have changed in this thread from page 1 when this would be over quick and Ukraine would defeat Russia...
Not sure what page 1 you are reading, but most everyone at the time predicted it would be over quick as Russia would overwhelm Ukraine and take control of Kiev in a matter of days / weeks.
Who mentioned debt? But when you are in debt I'm pretty sure no financial advisor on Earth is telling you to give money away as part of the fix 🙄 but OK, we will put our head in the sand with you and tell ourselves giving Ukraine Billions didn't put us in debt because we were already there so, we should just give more away with no oversight as it is hardly why we are in debt...
Ooooohhhhh so we are corrupt and they are corrupt, hence how myself and Longhaul are talking about damage done to our country. Well myself, apologies Longhaul I did not mean to assume and speak for you!
The Neo Nazi wing of Ukriane is very much a strong part of this revolution but never talked about? Golinkin goes into detail about it in his criticism of the propaganda movie Winter on Fire...
The Pentagon has opened over 50 criminal cases concerning aide to Ukraine...
Even before we sent the money in 2021 we had sent 5.1 Billion dollars to Ukraine from 1991 to 2014 to help with the revolution...
Dude we are 35 trillion in debt. That's not because of Ukraine.
Not sure what page 1 you are reading, but most everyone at the time predicted it would be over quick as Russia would overwhelm Ukraine and take control of Kiev in a matter of days / weeks.
Well not one person on page 1 said this would be over quick but regardless my post says from page 1 not on page 1... the entirety of page 1 consists mostly about if Ukraine is part of NATO and if NATO would get involved.
I was meaning the entirety of the thread, from page 1 to page 78, not sure what you are reading...
Dude we are 35 trillion in debt. That's not because of Ukraine.
DUDE, no one said it was, show me a quote that I said Ukraine is why we are 35 trillion in debt... they are an example of why, this is a pattern that has been repeated, as I stated if you are 35 Trillion in debt giving your neighbor 235 Billion because you are already 35 trillion in debt is not how you fix it, it continues to PUT YOU IN DEBT, CONTRIBUTES TO YOUR DEBT! That is what I said in response to your post.... apologies for the confusion.
So in your mind we did not go into more debt giving money to Ukraine and my statement was false?