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What should our response be if Russia invades Ukraine?

...and you're the guy that called me "little man". Enjoy your keyboard rant.
I took offense to someone seeming to think I want Russia to prevail and for that I apologize, you have a great day and I do hope and pray 🙏 you as well as the others are correct but history tends to repeat itself...
Supposedly it was a Slava-class cruiser like the Moskva that launched cruise missiles into Lyiv near the Polish border early in the war.

Relatively speaking, sinking the Moskva would be the equivalent of sinking the German battleship Bismarck in WW2.

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From my FB friend Jim Wright:

The picture is the Soviet warship Slava underway in the Black Sea off Sevastopol, 1986.
I took this image from the deck of USS Yorktown.
It took my wife a while to find the box of my old Navy albums (I would never have found it).
Slava was only a few years old then. Yorktown herself was brand new.
Yorktown was a new type of warship, an Aegis cruiser (robocruisers we called them), and she was FEARED by the Soviet Navy.
You have no idea how feared.
Yorktown and the destroyer Caron had been sent to make a Black Sea run, mostly to roust the Soviets.
And roust them we did.
The whole goddamn Black Sea fleet turned out, along with every Soviet patrol and strike aircraft in the region.
A lot of their ships were junk, Krivak frigates and Kashin destroyers led by an old WWII Sverdlov class gun cruiser.
But there were also some new Soveremennyy and Udaloy destroyers backed up by deadly Tu-22M Backfire bombers operating out of the Crimean Peninsula in what was then a Soviet vassal state, The Ukraine.
And there was Slava himself (Russians regard ships as male).
New, fast, deadly and heavily armed, Slava, HIM we respected.
Those were intense times. It really felt like the final war could have started at any moment, especially when you were staring into Slava's missile tubes from a few hundred yards away.
Lot of years have passed since then.
USS Yorktown, a ship I remember fondly as new and high tech and the most feared war machine on the high seas, has long since been scrapped as obsolete, as have her sisters Ticonderoga and Valley Forge, both of which I served on.
Valley Forge, my last ship, was sunk as a target after being decommissioned. A sad fate for such a great vessel, but the exercise provided the Navy with valuable data that will make future warships more capable and survivable in combat.
And a far better fate than Slava's.
Renamed Moskva (Moscow in western pronunciation) after the fall of the Soviet Union and promoted to flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet, Slava was getting old, but he was still formidable and on the forefront Russian naval operations.
Russia was still quite proud of him.
We don't know the whole story yet, but Ukraine apparently used a targeting drone and shore based anti-ship missiles to strike Moskva - which is now variously reported as out of action, still afloat, on fire, under tow, and abandoned by her crew and no longer much of a threat.
Moskva SHOULD have been able to defend himself.
The ship's failure to do so leads to all sorts of avenues, none good, from obsolete technology, to poor training and readiness, to the ultimate military sin of grossly underestimating your enemy.
The truth, whatever it is, is the job of the Intelligence Community and whatever the cause of the defeat ultimately turns out to be, there's no way for Russia to spin this as anything other than a major blow -- though the Kremlin will certainly try.
"Slava" means "Glory" in Russian.
There's not much glory to be had for the Russian navy today. The ship's fate is a hell of a victory for Ukraine and an abject lesson for those mired in the past of naval warfare.
Addendum: The Kremlin itself is now reporting that the ship has sunk while under tow in heavy seas.
I will ask again, what is the plan big guy? If he attacks us 🇺🇸 things change but politics has always told us diplomacy was the best way and now we are picking sides and creating enemies, giving away our weapons cache publicly...BRILLIANT Are we drawing lines in the sand, if he does attack them we starting WW3, you good with that? Right is right and I want to stand up for what is right but at what cost, the world as we know it...
Diplomacy? With a tyrannical dictator? Yeah that always works out well.
So you are all in for WW3. who is the last tyrannical dictator with nukes that we didn't use diplomacy with, refresh my memory
The Russians have had nukes since the late '40's. This isn't a recent phenomenon. And no I'm not all in for WWIII. I'm also not OK with Russian attacking innocent sovereign nations and getting away with it because "they have nukes."
The Russians have had nukes since the late '40's. This isn't a recent phenomenon. And no I'm not all in for WWIII. I'm also not OK with Russian attacking innocent sovereign nations and getting away with it because "they have nukes."
Roger that, so you could not come up with a tyrannical dictator with nukes that we did not use diplomacy on...
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Ukraine’s defense ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said on Friday that for, the first time since the start of its invasion, Russia used long-range bombers to attack the besieged port city of Mariupol.

In a Telegram post citing locals still trapped there, the officials also said "Russian troops have begun the process of exhuming bodies that were previously buried in the yards of residential buildings."

"A new level of ‘cleansing’ of the occupiers," the post said. "The occupiers forbid the burial of people killed by them. In each yard they put their own overseer."
By all means...enlighten us.
Clearly nuclear weapons are defensive, not offensive when it comes to diplomacy so the tyrannical dictator is pretty safe and therefore diplomacy has proven to be the only way since 1945 or do we challenge that and history.... isn't this moronic

What are offering besides magical thinking and snark? Asking for a friend
Obviously nothing to you so what are you asking and tell your friend you forgot the you in his question 🤔 🤣 🙄 isn't this moronic...
What is anyone in this thread offering but an opinion, you feel the need to troll me and for what? Speaking of snark... tell your friend I would tell you but I would have to kill you and that should be enough. You going to post anything that concerns this thread administrator?