GCF Top Poster
you are just showing or stating your blind allegiance to CWM, Mrs. Muschamp. it didn't take either of our last two coaches 6 years to fix the program. Hell, Lou took over a much worse situation all together and had us winning a great bowl in two years. We don't need to give someone who we really didn't like in the first place more time than we'd give our first choice.Once again, you are just showing or stating your frustrations as a fan and that's your right, but you offer no clue or pathway to the stars to fix what Coach Muschamp and his staff are trying to do now? Yes, he might have been our 3rd choice as Herman did nothing but tease us. Kirby cannot be blamed for wanting to go to GA. Who would you hire now after you fired this staff? I just think that he needs 6 years to fix this program or guide it to a higher level. You want him gone now or you want to complain about losing (which is your right), but please offer to all of us that think 6 years is the right way to go and tell us your master design so that we can fix this program faster? I am sure that Ray Tanner would love to hear it along with many other programs that are in the same or worst state than our program is now.
No one needs to have a replacement coach in mind to know when something isn't working. Do you apply this same principle when you're in the shower and the hot water suddenly goes away? Just stand there, unwilling to remove yourself from the bad situation before you absolutely have a infallible plan for fixing the shower? Of course not. you get out of the cold water and THEN go look for a solution.